Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why the Media and Obama must Destroy Joe the Plumber

Joe the Plumber did what McCain has been unable to do and that is to catch Obama off guard. Hence, Obama stated his clear intentions of “spreading the wealth” and starting a socialized America. Most intelligent Americans realize Robin Hood plans that spread the wealth do not work and only promotes mediocrity. Hard working Americans are not motivated to make a lot of money since most monies will be paid in taxes after 250K. Therefore, they realize it is not worth expanding their business because the pay back is not worth all the hard work. On the other hand, those collecting welfare at the expense from those that are hard working have no motivation to work since they get money for free. Socialism does not work. Now, the media and the Obama camp are attacking Joe the Plumber to show he is a phony. He has no plumber license and owes the government taxes. They also claim that no plumber can make 250K. It is mystifying to me why the working public does not see through this. The fact Obama and the media claim they are for the middle class, but who do they attack – A middle class American looking to try to get ahead to the upper class. They criticize and mock this man instead of trying to help him. This shows the mentality of what Obama and the media are all about. They see him as a threat to the Obama Presidential quest and must stop any traction that McCain can get from Joe the Plumber. The fact that Joe the Plumber has decided not to buy the business since it is not worth the risk because of the increased income tax he would have to pay demonstrates exactly what I have been saying. Spreading the wealth does not work because it does not motivate people to do better, it demoralizes Americans who just want to live the American Dream. When small businesses are unmotivated to expand and grow because of the tax burden the end result is that the economy slows because there is no job growth. It is simple logic, spreading the wealth does not make America better, it only makes us mediocre. Is this really what we want?

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