Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Biden: Obama will be Tested on International Crisis

Speaking at a campaign fund raiser when he thought the cameras were off, Biden claims “Obama will be tested on an International crisis in his first year of office”. He compared it to how the Russian’s tested a young and inexperienced John Kennedy. This should play into the Republicans hands. That is why John McCain has said numerous times, the President does not have time for on the job training. Besides, rogue nations such as Venezuela or Iran will be much less tempted to test a man with John McCain’s temperament. They know McCain will not back down. However, it is hard to know how an untested Obama may react. Do we Americans really want to see if Obama can pass the test of International crisis? Or do we want the assurance of John McCain, who will not even be challenged by a rogue nation. It should be an easy choice.

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