Sunday, October 12, 2008

Obama Claims that McCain is Promoting Division

Now that McCain has started to bring up Obama’s questionable relationships, Obama is crying foul. He says that McCain is promoting polarization amongst Americans. I find this somewhat ironic that Obama can make this claim considering his relationship with such radical human beings that have done nothing but divide Americans. Relationships with Bill Ayers who bombs and kills Americans, how much more divisive can someone be? Relationships with pastors that preach hate, conspiracy theories, and anti-Semitism. These preachers promote anger amongst African Americans that the government and every white person is out to get them. How do relationships with these individuals promote unity? Based on how well Obama is doing in this campaign, I do not think the argument of ALL whites being racist holds water. In fact, it is probably a very small number of whites in this country that are bigots and racist. Obama has done absolutely nothing to bridge the growing divide in this country. Do not forget Obama’s partisan politics. He has very rarely voted against his party, nor has he ever took on his party leaders. Once again, how does this promote unity? It does not, Obama talks a good game, but look at his record. He votes along party lines and has had questionable relationships with people that HATE America. I view Obama as one of the most divisive politicians of our time. America is already divided and Obama will only make things worse. Only John McCain’s moderate policies can our growing divide.

The media is also portraying McCain as promoting racism because of a handful of racist comments made by ignorant attendees at McCain rallies. Now, McCain is backing off his attacks. It is amazing how the media can portray McCain as promoting racism based on the remarks of a few ignorant spectators (That McCain does not even know), but the media does not want to report on Obama's relationship with Ayers and Wright.

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