Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NY Times Attacks Cindy McCain

Just when you thought the media could not stoop any lower, the Times has. It has gone back some 20 years to paint Cindy as a bad person. I wonder why Barack Obama does not get the same scrutiny. When McCain brings up Ayers and other thugs Obama worked with, he is a racist. However, when the Times does it, it is good journalism. Let’s set the record straight. Some vital things the Times did not report on is that Cindy is one of the greatest Humanitarians for children of our time. She has gone on 55 missions to help the youth around the world. Her work is comparable with that of Mother Theresa. She is one of the most compassionate and caring individuals in this country and we should be humbled if she were the first lady. If the Times is fair and balanced, they would go after both Barack and Michelle Obama. Michelle is not even in the ball park when matched up with Cindy’s record as a humanitarian. Barack is not even in the ball park when his community service is matched up with Cindy’s humanitarian record. If everything in Cindy’s past is fair game, maybe we should start talking about Obama’s relationship with Reverend Wright or his drug use twenty years ago.

Does everyone remember when Barack adamantly told the media to leave his wife alone after she was portrayed as unpatriotic. John will not do that because he understands that this is the nature of the beast in politics. I guess Barack's reaction was normal considering the media usually portrays him and his wife as the saviors.

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