Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Presidential Debate #2: McCain Wins but Obama is Next President

I thought McCain won the 2nd Presidential Debate, but it was close. Since McCain did nothing to stop the bleeding in the polls, Obama now is almost certain to be the next President. I actually thought McCain won the first hour of the debate on the economy, but lost the half hour of the debate on Foreign Policy, so that was a surprise. For the most part it was a pretty dull affair. McCain tried to get his points against Obama, but he is too slick and smooth. He is such a great Orator he reminds of how Slick Willy Clinton could convince the American Public the Earth is flat.

So who is the loser from this debate? We are, the American public. With McCain proposing another 300 billion to buy up bad mortgages and Obama still has not said what he would cut as President, the taxpayer is the loser. Obama claims he will run at surplus. I am not sure how he is going to do that even if the war ends in Iraq. He has talked about a more expensive war in Afghanistan and even in the Sudan to end the genocide there. If he runs at a surplus he will really have to tax the rich and corporations heavily and that will backfire and most certainly keep the country in a recession. It looks no matter who becomes president there will bail outs galore and all kinds of government intervention in Health Care, Energy, and other programs. Welcome to the socialized United States of America. Expect higher taxes, larger government, and higher commodity prices with even worse service. Unfortunately, Americans are too stupid to realize what is transpiring before our eyes. Americans are selfish and expect the government to assist them when they are down. We have forgotten how to help ourselves. Heck, if I knew the government was going to bail millions out for buying a home a could not afford, I would have bought a bigger house on a large lot! We reward ignorance and incompetence, but people that follow the rules and are good citizens get the bill. What a bunch of crap! What ever happened to what John Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country"? What that means is we should live within our means and be healthy so we can keep health care costs low. What this means is that we should be continually trying to better ourselves. What this means is that if we lose our jobs, we should be competent enough to retrain ourselves to do a new trade. It does not mean we should expect to get bailed out for being stupid and incompetent.

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