Friday, October 24, 2008

The Latest Attacks on Palin

The front page of the NY Times yesterday mentioned the RNC bought 150K of clothing for Sarah Palin to use during the campaign. It was suppose to make conservatives look like they are wasting money and to point out they too can be ‘elitist’. This is what the Times did not mention:

Palin is the only one of the 4 candidates that is not a millionaire and did not have appropriate clothing for a 6 week campaign.
The clothing was NOT GIVEN TO HER. It was donated. After the campaign the clothing will be donated to charity or auctioned off for charity.
Palin won the Alaska Governorship wearing modest clothing, including fleece during events.

Also, during a CNN interview Palin was told that many hard core conservatives have an issue with her. The interviewee pointed to a National Review (conservative publication) column that said she was any number of things including incompetent. The article in question was actually a glowing endorsement for Palin. The author simply stated that the media was acting as if Palin was incompetent. The author never made that claim. Either this interviewee did not read the article or was fabricating lies to make Palin look bad on TV. It is so blatant as to what ends the media will go to portray Palin as evil. This has got to stop, and intelligent individuals need to understand this.

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