Monday, October 6, 2008

Experience: Obama vs. Palin

Although Obama has actually been a Senator 2 more years than Palin has been a governor, their actual experience time is a push since Obama has spent half of his time campaigning instead of governing. I have said this before and I will say it again experience as a governor better prepares a person for the White House than a Senator. Governors run a state and Senators run nothing but a committee. Governors are Executives, Senators are not. President is an Executive job. Consider some of Obama’s major campaign promises: 1000 dollars back to every family making fewer than 250 thousand dollars, energy independence, and ethics reform. Palin has already implemented these policies in Alaska. She has given over 3000 dollars back to every family on revenues received from oil profits. She has also been pushing a 40 billion dollar “clean” natural gas pipeline that will benefit everyone in the U.S. She has been pushing for drilling in the Alaska Arctic, which has been stopped by Congress including both McCain and Obama. Palin has taken on her Republican Party in Alaska that has been corrupt. She is doing such a good job she has over an 80% approval rating. That is almost unheard of, especially today with all the polarization in this country. They both have about the same amount of foreign policy experience – practically nothing. Palin runs the Alaska National Guard, while Obama has done some travel.

Obama has valuable community service as well as Illinois State Senate Experience. Palin has experience in the Wasilla Alaska PTA, City Council and Mayor. She also ran the Alaska Energy Department and lost an election for Lieutenant Governor of Alaska. Once again I see this as about a push. Overall, I do not see any difference in experience, but I give the nod to Palin because she has valuable experience as an executive. And more importantly what she has done as an executive has been exceptional as shown by her high approval ratings. Besides, as a legislator in Congress and Illinois, Obama has not authored very many pieces of legislator. In fact, there may only have been one or two laws in the Illinois Senate he co-authored. Considering his job is to legislate, Obama appears to be more of a follower than leader. Now, as Presidential candidate he is proposing lots of legislation. Why did he not try to implement any of his proposals why in the Illinois or U.S. Senates? I guess the millions he has made campaigning has enabled him to employ the foreign and economic advisers to tell him how to do his job. It reminds me of what my first boss told me after I got in trouble for being aggressive to get my job done: "Unfortunately, only those who do the work ever get in trouble". That is so true. Maybe Obama is afraid to hurt his record so he does not create any legislation. He hangs low and does not do anything controversial to hurt his political career. It works, I have seen hundreds of "oxygen thieves" skate through the corporate world and seen hard workers shown the door for "asking too many questions". It seems to be the American way of rewarding mediocrity or incompetence. This Presidential race is no different. The nation is enamored with a "do nothing" congressmen. Just like all the "oxygen thieves" I have dealt with in the past, Obama is a good talker who talks a big game that impresses everyone. People listen to all this talk instead of looking at what he has actually accomplished. Maybe this explains why Obama votes "Present" on over a third of the legislation he has seen. Can you imagine a Governor or President voting "Present" on legislation? They cannot do it. They must vote "yes" or "no". The only other explanation for Obama to do this is he is incompetent. I do not think that this is the case, in contrary, he is pretty smart to be able lay low and get away with having no voting record. Here is the the new American Dream: If you are a smooth talker and do not rock the boat, you will succeed and move up the corporate and political ladder.

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