Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama's Free Trade Policy

Obama is a typical Democrat. During the primary season he blamed NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Agreement - Between the U.S., Canada and Mexico) for having U.S. jobs move overseas. This was his slogan in states hit hard by the economy such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan (Although there was not an official primary there). NAFTA was brought about by President Clinton and he used this against Hillary. He has also choose to vote against recent free trade legislation with Columbia. This is man willing to sit down with rogue leaders such as The Castro's and Hugo Chavez, but votes against free trade agreements with our allies. Does this make sense? He claims his economic policy will create jobs and decrease the federal deficit. How does he plan to do this without entering in free trade agreements. Blaming NAFTA for the plight of the blue collar worker in Middle America is simply a cop out and irresponsible. There are lots of reasons for the the loss of jobs in Mid America (And they did not necessarily go overseas): Poor leadership at our automotive and large companies, technology replacing jobs, illegal immigrants replacing jobs (That will continue under an Obama Presidency), Union policies, high company taxes (Will also continue under an Obama Presidency - They like to say Big Oil will get a tax break under McCain, but they fail to mention every company - Big or small will get a tax break to bring the economy back), and of course cheaper labor costs outside of the U.S.. Obama will not be able to fix our ailing economy if he does not understand what is causing the problems. NAFTA has very little to do with the loss of jobs, and in fact has created more jobs in the U.S. overall. This is a man that naive and out of touch with the work force. If he wants to fix the problem, he needs to correct our high corporate tax and illegal immigration before he nixes NAFTA. Deep down, even Obama can not actually feel NAFTA is the problem. As I said he is a politician and will say and do whatever it takes for him to win an election. He claims he brings a new style of politics, I see the same old liberal politicians as in Gore or Kerry.

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