Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Persona: Obama vs. Bush

Barack Obama claims that President Bush is stubborn and has lead the country in the wrong direction because he does not listen to his staff and only does what he thinks is best. He is probably right. This is certainly the behavior of a super ego personality. Unfortunately, I highly doubt Obama would be any better. In an effort to show he could be Commander and Chief of the Military, he stated he would not necessarily do what the Military Joints Chief of Staff would recommend for Iraq or Afghanistan. That means if General Petraeus says Iraq is still to unstable to withdraw he may ignore his advice. The outcome could become an unstable Iraq that could become a haven for terrorist to live and train. How is this any less stubborn and egotistical than any blunder Bush has done? It is not. In an effort to show strength, Obama has showed his true colors that he is no different than Bush. He would make decisions based only on his own bias and political influences. By ignoring the advice of his political and military advisers it will inevitably lead to flawed policies. This is no different than the Bush persona.

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