Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Which Ticket Can Unite Americans?

McCain / Palin have a record of working across party lines and going after their own party when they are wrong. McCain is disliked by most conservatives because he does not always agree with his party. He is more of a moderate than a conservative. Since he is more in the middle with his political views, he can effectively moderate conflicts between the left and right to find compromise to unite both parties. In this day and age partisan politics is almost obsolete. McCain has the best Senate record to insure we have a President that can be bipartisan and do what is right for the country. Palin has also demonstrated that she can be bipartisan. She ran on a campaign platform to be governor of Alaska pledging to clean up the corruption of the Republican Party. Senator Ted Stevens is being indicted for his involvement in a corruption scandal. Palin also placed Independents, Democrats, and Republicans on her staff showing bipartisan politics. On the other hand, Obama / Biden are the most and the third most liberal Senators in Washington. Considering that, then it is especially not a surprise to find out they have very little experience working across the isle with the Republican Party. It is probably even less a surprise to find out they have not taken on their own party. Even in this day and age of so many corruption scandals in Washington, Obama and Biden are quiet when their fellow Democrats are in a scandal, but show bipartisan politics when a Republican is in a scandal. If change is what Washington needs, the only ticket that can do the job is McCain / Palin since they have a record of taking on their own part and doing what is right for the country. With an Obama / Biden ticket you get partisan Washington politics as usual.

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