Saturday, October 25, 2008

Congressman John Murtha: Those who Vote for McCain are Racist

Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha claimed that the elder people in the Western part of his state will not vote for Obama because they are racist. If you take that way of thinking, then he is basically saying anyone who votes against Obama is racist. Once again this shows what kind of incompetent leadership we have in Congress. I mean people can vote against Obama because they are fearful of his socialized tax plan, his proposal of 1 trillion in new spending on failed social programs, his socialized health plan, his inexperience, his lack of a voting record, his relation with questionable characters, his lack of foreign experience, his partisan voting record, or any number of reasons to go with McCain.

I am really getting tired of the ‘race card’ being brought up in this election. The liberals and the media think they can convince people to vote for an African-American candidate to prove they are not racist. A person’s religious affiliation or they color of their skin has nothing to with politics. It should have nothing to do with how any American views another American. Let’s stop this. People can be objective and vote for McCain because they think he is the better candidate. Unfortunately, morons like Murtha will get re-elected. These are the idiots that need to be voted out of office since they are promoting polarization of Americans.

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