Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate: Biden Wins, but ..........

No question Joe Biden won the VP debate on points. I think he won 2 out of every 3 categories. Sarah did well on energy and Biden's experience won him foreign policy. After all, Biden was naming legislation that involved he and McCain in the Senate when Sarah was still in school (Although I am not sure how much Biden claimed was actually factual on his and McCain's voting record. Fred Thompson came up with at least 10 errors off the top of his head). In any event, there was no way for Sarah to combat that history or knowledge. Also, it should be noted that Palin had to perform with a biased moderator. I am surprised that this did not come up, but Biden got the last word 60% of the time and the "blow horn" consistently went over his time allotment without a warning. Thus, he controlled over 55% of the debate. Considering all this and she has only been in Washington for 5 weeks, she more than held her own.

Oddly, I thought McCain won the first presidential debate by showing he had more foreign policy experience. However, Obama showed he was competent on what was suppose to be his weakness. I believe that only made people think that Obama would in fact be a better presidential candidate since most believe he is better on the economy (although these people are sadly mistaken).

With all that said, Sarah did extremely well for one important reason - People can relate with her. People see her as one of them and that is refreshing and resonates with voters. While Joe rattled off a plethora of legislative voting records, he seemed stiff and very political. Sarah did not seem political and was having fun. She represented any mother in this country that could have been going one on one with one of Washington's most experienced politicians punch for punch. Palin also showed she is a political outsider by simply not knowing how to respond to all of Biden's chargers. And that too is refreshing to many because they think Washington is broke and a political outsider may be needed to fix the mess. I actually think that this is the same reason so many liberals are infatuated with Obama. They view him as a Washington outsider ready to fix the problem. However, I still think Palin has much more appeal than Obama. When I see Obama, I still see a silky smooth politician. When I see Palin, I see an ordinary American.

Sarah's favorable impression can be partly attributed to the media's negative portrayal of her. That left expectations low and she outperformed them easily. It also raises questions as to how fair those TV interviews were with Palin. Palin has done well on live TV so how come she does so poorly on staged interviews? Her claim is because they edited her answers and whether that is true or not, it holds muster because she has done well live. I think the more the media goes after her, the better it will be for Republican ticket as women rally to support her. Joe Biden makes a gaffe nearly every day, but none of that is shown on TV like Sarah's interviews. Biden makes statements equivalent to what Dan Quale has said such as "I need to brush up on my Latin" when referring to a trip he was making to Latin America. Biden claims his family watched FDR on TV, before TV existed. Biden has also extorted the truth by claiming to have been shot at in Iraq, which was not true. He is a typical politician. Meanwhile, Sarah is typical human being.

Palin may not be ready to lead today, but anyone can do it if they are able to surround themselves with the right people. Barack is not ready yet, but he has come a long way since he started his campaign some 18 months ago of learning the nuances. But lets not kid ourselves, Governors make better presidents than Senators. Governors actually run a state. Senators run absolutely nothing other than a committee. This year will be the first year a Senator is elected President in over 40 years. It is also the first time two sitting Senators have run against each other. Face it, Governors have the best experience to become President. I think she has the most potential of any of the candidates and Biden.

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