Monday, October 13, 2008

The Media's Role in the Presidential Election

If Barack Obama is not brainwashing people with his outstanding orator skills to push a mesmerizing but substance lacking speeches, the media is doing it. It is unbelievable how slanted to the left the media is. I have said it a thousand times, if we had the media coverage that is available today during WWII, we would all be speaking either German or Japanese. During the Iraq War, the media has claimed the U.S. military and government has been responsible for many war crimes such as: Torture and killing innocent civilians. The media coverage of our troops such as ex NFL player Tillman who was killed by friendly fire got huge coverage. During WWII tens of thousands of U.S. military soldiers died from friendly fire. Anyone who thinks our soldiers did not torture or even kill prisoners simply because they did not have the capacity to guard them is simply mistaken. War is not a pretty thing, and horrific things happen. It is certainly not up to me or anyone who has not been there and done that to judge what happens and judge who did what. The media is out for a story and will endanger troops and take down anyone to make a name for themselves. This is despicable. And even worse, as troops got control of Iraq and turned the tide, the news coverage went away. The only conclusion one could draw from this is that the media wanted us to lose in Iraq so the next election cycle would go to the liberals. When the tide turned in Iraq, the media searched for a new story to incriminate the Republicans. They went to gas prices and then the financial crisis. They choose to report what is beneficial for them and choose not to report what is relevant to American public. Today, the coverage is directed at the economy and rightly so. However, the coverage should show that both parties have blame. The coverage, however only covers how the bad Republicans did not want to regulate Wall St. They conveniently omit that the Democrats did not want oversight on Frannie Mae or Freddie Mac. They fail to mention that the Democrats did not want to drill to bring down gas prices. During hard economic times the public is extremely fragile and the media knows that and they exploit them with one-sided brainwashing material to manipulate them into voting the liberal choice. As Joe Biden makes a gaffe a day, it is not reported, but any mistake made by Palin is made into a media circus. Palin, who has the highest approval rating of any politician in the U.S. is portrayed as the bad person while Biden and Obama who are part of the lowest approval ratings that the Senate has ever had in U.S. history are portrayed as the saviors. The media should be balanced and show no biases. They should be reporting the news fairly. It is extremely discouraging to see how the media abuses its power to push its agenda. The U.S. media has been critical of other nations'media outlets such as Al Jazeera as fostering propaganda to brain wash their following. How is our media any different?

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