Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama:Is He Copying Clinton Policies?

Since disposing of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primaries, Obama has begun to copy some of her policies. Obama’s Health Care plan has moved closer to Clinton’s. Obama’s economic policy to handle the housing crisis has moved closer to what Clinton proposed. It is funny how they debated these topics during the Democratic Primaries and Obama disagreed strongly with Clinton on these issues. Now with the financial crisis the top issue of the Presidential Election, Obama was desperate for a plan and he ripped one off from Clinton. He was too proud to pick her as his running mate, but is not too proud to copy her policies. I wonder what Obama and his administration plans to do once they are in the Oval Office since they will no longer be allowed to vote “Present” and will not have any policies to copy. It is scary that he and his campaign are clueless, but we Americans are too stupid to realize this. Obama flip flops on issues for political reasons, not the right reasons. Obama is all the sudden a moderate on key issues with his willingness to drill, he is against gay marriage, he wants to escalate the war in Afghanistan and so forth. It is amazing how a guy that was further left than any politician over the past decade is all the sudden a moderate. Does he really believe all his flip flops or is just convenient to get elected? The answer is obvious.

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