Saturday, November 1, 2008

What is there to like about Obama?

I like that Obama does not believe in the Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton version of civil rights. The fact that Jackson despises Obama is very refreshing to me. The fact that Obama preaches that African American males be more responsible is also refreshing. Every male should be responsible when they have children regardless of race. Unfortunately, only a black politician can ask that of his race. I like he has done that. Maybe, just maybe, we can see welfare reform in his Presidency. I am not going to hold my breath as Jackson and Sharpton will make sure to stop any legislation that will hurt entitlement programs. I like that there may be a new leadership of African Americans that will not only preach responsibility to strengthen the family unit, but will also preach stopping to use the ‘race card’ as an excuse. I think African-Americans can learn a lot listening to the likes of Obama, Bill Cosby, and Juan Williams instead of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Improvement in this area is dependent on the fact that Obama does not believe in all that ‘Anti White’ rhetoric preached by Reverend Wright when he was sitting in the pews. African-Americans have every right to be mad. It will also only happen if his administration does not play the “race card” as his campaign staff does every time someone becomes critical of Obama. I am sure every black person in this country has experienced racism, bigotry, and hate. That being said, it does not make it right to use bigotry and hate to fight bigotry and hate. Remember the premise of the Civil Rights movement under Martin Luther King was non-violence. Promoting bigotry and hate will only lead to violence. I agree that this is a two way street and white leaders have not done enough to curb white racism and that too has got to change. The reduction of racism is one area that I am hopeful an Obama Presidency can help implement for EVERY American. Obviously, having a black President is a good start to break down racial barriers.

Back about a year ago, the only other thing that I liked about Obama being President is that it would keep the Clintons out of the White House. However, I have changed my mind; I would rather have the Clinton’s in the White House instead of Obama. Bill was at least fiscally responsible and I do not think Obama will be.

With Obama elected as President, it shows that most Americans are not the racist bigots that the world and even how many Americans view us. Hopefully this will start change how things are done in this country by putting an end to diversity programs, quota systems, and affirmative action as well as welfare as we know it. I think most Americans are fair and would treat any minorities with respect and fairness in the process to get into college or to get a job. Yes, there are still racists and bigots out there, but an Obama Presidency is proof that it is not as wide spread as many may believe. Some may argue that many whites still voted against Obama and it was the minority vote that got him elected. That may be true, but minorities and women are the "bread and butter" electorate that support any Democrat running for the Presidency. So just maybe, an Obama Presidency would finally have the public seeing each other as Americans and human beings and not white, black, or brown.

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