Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Can Only Hope .........

Congratulations to Barack and his supporters. As most had predicted, a fairly easy win for him. I truly hope he proves me wrong and is one of our great Presidents. As for our nation:

We can only hope that Barack governs left-center instead of left as his record indicates.

We can only hope that Barack appoints judges who abide by the law and not empathy and emotion.

We can only hope that Barack reforms welfare instead of expanding it.

We can only hope that Barack will be fiscally responsible and balance the budget as he predicts.

We can only hope that Barack will transcend race and not be a person that believes in what Reverend Wright preaches.

We can only hope that Barack will be bipartisan even though his record is partisan.

We can only hope that his lack of experience does not cost us dearly.

We can only hope that Barack will not get us out of Iraq prematurely where all our loses would be in vain.

We can only hope that Barack follows through on his education plan and energy independence plan (including drilling and nuclear power)

We can only hope his tax hikes on corporations and the wealthy do not keep us in a recession or worse yet, send us into a depression.

We can only hope he does not want government to regulate every U.S. corporation or business.

We can only hope he does not grow our government to large, because that would lead to waste and inefficiency.

We can only hope Barack can stand up to Reed and Pelosi.

We can only hope his socialized plans of health care do not push our country further into dept.

We can only hope that Barack will promote more trade agreements to help our economy and national debt.

We can only hope that Barack will not sit down and give in to our enemies.

We can only hope that Barack will make the tough decisions instead of avoiding them in his past by voting "present".

We can only hope that he has some new ideas or policies instead of copying failed policies from past Democratic Presidents such as LBJ, FDR, and Jimmy Carter.

We can only hope that Barack will be a different person and legislator he had been in the past.

We can only hope his plan to surge troops in Afghanistan will work.

We can only hope he is fair with our ally Israel.

We can only hope that there is more to him than being a very charismatic orator that just told the public what they wanted to hear.

We can only hope because I think we are stuck with this guy for 8 years. Even if he does a bad job, I do not see the country electing Palin, Romney, or Huckabee.

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