Sunday, November 2, 2008

Prediction: Obama in a Landslide

I think Obama will win this election in a landslide. To me, a landslide is winning the election by at around 10 points and having an advantage of around 200 votes in the Electoral College. I have seen nothing to indicate that the Republicans are organized enough to stop the Tsunami they are in. The economic downturn was the final nail in the coffin. The Republicans dodged bullets throughout the election cycle, but in the end the media was able to find something to sway voters. When the election cycle started, the war in Iraq was the main storyline. However, as the tide turned and victory was in sight, the story changed to the economy. First, it was soaring gas prices, but as gas prices have dropped by $1.50 over the past month this topic too took a back seat. Secondly, many claimed in the media claimed a recession, but that too did not fly because they were premature. Now it is the financial meltdown and this one will be fixed in time for the Republicans. The media is using fear mongering techniques by comparing this crisis to the Great Depression. This recession is certainly bad, but it far from the Great Depression. Amazing how we hear absolutely nothing about gas prices and Iraq these days. The Republicans will do well to keep from losing more than 6 seats in the Senate and 25 in the House. The American public is in a state of panic about the economy and that is how the media wants it. They also did their best to portray Sarah Palin as the devil and Barack Obama as God. It is a sad world we live in when we Americans are that gullible to be swayed by biased propaganda.

If there is a silver lining for the Republicans, it is a difficult time to be President and in charge of Congress. That being said, I am very confident that the Democrats will fail in their promises to the American people and will fall out of favor quickly.

I have a funny feeling election night will not have much drama. As the polls close on the East Coast and key states such as Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire are called immediately for Obama, the route is on. When Indiana, North Carolina, and Florida are called shortly after they verify the polling data is correct, we now know it will resounding victory for Obama. Obama will have 270 electoral votes before the polls close on the West Coast.

Obama has said that his success has "vindicated" his belief in Americans - In other words, we are all racist pigs that could not vote for a black man. Well Obama success has "vindicated" my belief that the American intellect is dwindling. Call me a racist pig, but I can give you dozen reason why not to vote for Obama and it has nothing to do with race. I would have no problem voting for a women or a person of color if they knew what they were doing.

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