Thursday, November 6, 2008

Republicans: A Lesson on How to Lose

We need to commend the Republicans for being gracious in defeat. I know this election was not as close as the previous ones, but any loss is hard to swallow. The Republicans congratulated Obama and wished him success. Although Republicans are obviously not happy with the outcome, within 24 hours they have moved on. Republicans do not get so fanatical over the loss that they let their emotions take over their ability to reason. McCain's succession speech was eloquent and sincere. Meanwhile, the Democrats have still have not gotten over the 2000 and 2004 elections. They think they are the only ones that can have an election stolen from them even though their claims were unfounded. They and the media have made it as hard as possible on President Bush to be successful. They hampered his transition into office in 2000 which put his team far behind from the onset of his administration. It has been an up hill battle since. I know Bush blundered a lot of things, but it is no thanks to the Democrats and the media who wanted him to fail. This is sabotage and terrible for our nation that grown human beings can hold a grudge and be spiteful for that long a period. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves and take a lesson from the Republicans on how to lose graciously. This will make the transition for Obama into the White House easier and give him a better chance to succeed. Once again, the McCain slogan is correct "Country First". The Democrats slogan should be "Me First". Their poor behavior sets a bad example for our youth and every American.

The Democrats are sore winners. Watch as they punish those within their party that did not support Obama. Joe Liebermann will be banished from his responsibilities. We already saw Obama boot newspaper reporters from his plane after their papers did not endorse him. So much for all that talk of uniting and non-partisan politics. The message is clear, the Obama administration and Democrats will only deal with people and the media that believes in what they are doing. There is no questioning the Democrats now that they are in charge. I hope I am wrong, but this is the vibe I am getting at this point in time.

Can We Please Stop Talking About Race

Two days after the election the media continues to talk about the historic nature of having the first African-American elected President. We talk about this as if it would have never happened. African-Americans around the country are joyous in their exuberant celebrations. Yes, it is historical and yes it is important and reason to celebrate, but am I the only one not surprised it happened? African-Americans have made astronomical progress over the past few decades in all fields, not just politics. Douglas Wilder was the first African American elected Governor to a state (Virginia) in the 1990s. However, when this barrier was broken, it never got the media coverage as Obama's election while it was every bit as important. Today, there are two African-American Governors, Deval Patrick (Massachusetts) and David Patterson (New York). Although Barrack Obama is the only current black Senator, there are 42 African-Americans in the House. Clarence Thomas sits on the Supreme Court and the past two Secretary's of State were black (Colin Powell and Condollezza Rice). However, the media nor did the African American community make a fuss over these appointments. Part of the reason is because Thomas, Powell, and Rice are Republicans and supposedly the enemy of minority progress in this country. This of course is a fallacy. Recently, when blacks were given the opportunity to elect African-Americans into prestigious offices they choose not to and instead vote in the 'right' political party. In the 2006 elections, blacks had the opportunity to elect Michael Steele Senator of Maryland, but 75% of the black vote backed the white Democratic candidate, so Steele lost. Blacks also had the opportunity to elect Lynn Swann Governor of Pennsylvania but opted to back the white Democratic candidate. In Ohio blacks also had the opportunity to elect Ken Blackwell Governor, but once again opted to elect the white Democrat instead. If Barack Obama had been the Republican Candidate in this election, he would have lost because minorities would have turned their back on him. The media and Civil Rights Leaders would have condemned Obama just as they did to Clarence Thomas. It is true that Democratic candidate Harold Ford lost his bid to be Senator of Tennessee in 2006. He lost in a very tight race by running as a moderate. Although blacks supported him, Tennessee is a very conservative state. Deval Patrick was the only black candidate for Governor or the U.S. Senate to get elected in 2006.

My point is: I am not surprised we have an African-American President today and I think it could have come sooner if Black Leaders united all African-Americans. I have seen many qualified African-American candidates running for the highest state offices and do well. I have seen African-Americans appointed to the highest courts and cabinet offices. If Harold Ford can almost win in Tennessee, blacks could do well in any state. I also felt that many barriers would have been broken down sooner if the Black Civil Rights leaders did not tell African-Americans to turn their backs on qualified candidates of color such as Steele, Blackwell, or Swann just because of their political affiliation. Barriers could have been dismantled if Black Civil Rights leaders celebrated the victories of Thomas, Powell, and Rice like they did with Obama instead of treating them like "Uncle Toms" and the enemy. Anyone who follows politics should not be surprised we have an African-American President. Unfortunately, the only thing that kept it from happening sooner was black leaders insisting the candidate come from one party and one party only. Blacks have had a lot of opportunities to get more representation in government but opted not to unite solely because of their political affiliation. It as if an African-American is only an African-American if they are a Democrat. Republican African-Americans are viewed as traitors because this is what the media and black civil rights leaders have brainwashed the black public into believing.

Jesse Jackson had some success running for President in 80s. He was able to unite and get a large portion of the black vote. However, he was not able to sway white voters for a number of reasons other than racism and bigotry. First, he was not qualified to do the job, he had very little executive or government experience. Secondly, he alienated many by using racial slurs against the Jews and they are big part of the Democratic electorate. Third, he alienated other whites because his version of civil rights was much more combative than those of Martin Luther King.

Can we finally move on and not act so surprised we have a black President. It is insulting, we act as if the African-American people are not competent enough to have this job. This is ludicrous, there are plenty of qualified African-Americans to be President. In fact, I think there are many much more qualified than Obama.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Can Only Hope .........

Congratulations to Barack and his supporters. As most had predicted, a fairly easy win for him. I truly hope he proves me wrong and is one of our great Presidents. As for our nation:

We can only hope that Barack governs left-center instead of left as his record indicates.

We can only hope that Barack appoints judges who abide by the law and not empathy and emotion.

We can only hope that Barack reforms welfare instead of expanding it.

We can only hope that Barack will be fiscally responsible and balance the budget as he predicts.

We can only hope that Barack will transcend race and not be a person that believes in what Reverend Wright preaches.

We can only hope that Barack will be bipartisan even though his record is partisan.

We can only hope that his lack of experience does not cost us dearly.

We can only hope that Barack will not get us out of Iraq prematurely where all our loses would be in vain.

We can only hope that Barack follows through on his education plan and energy independence plan (including drilling and nuclear power)

We can only hope his tax hikes on corporations and the wealthy do not keep us in a recession or worse yet, send us into a depression.

We can only hope he does not want government to regulate every U.S. corporation or business.

We can only hope he does not grow our government to large, because that would lead to waste and inefficiency.

We can only hope Barack can stand up to Reed and Pelosi.

We can only hope his socialized plans of health care do not push our country further into dept.

We can only hope that Barack will promote more trade agreements to help our economy and national debt.

We can only hope that Barack will not sit down and give in to our enemies.

We can only hope that Barack will make the tough decisions instead of avoiding them in his past by voting "present".

We can only hope that he has some new ideas or policies instead of copying failed policies from past Democratic Presidents such as LBJ, FDR, and Jimmy Carter.

We can only hope that Barack will be a different person and legislator he had been in the past.

We can only hope his plan to surge troops in Afghanistan will work.

We can only hope he is fair with our ally Israel.

We can only hope that there is more to him than being a very charismatic orator that just told the public what they wanted to hear.

We can only hope because I think we are stuck with this guy for 8 years. Even if he does a bad job, I do not see the country electing Palin, Romney, or Huckabee.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Chaos

Today, I volunteered as a poll watcher for the McCain Camp in Colorado. The first time I tried to call in with an update at my poll, the line was flooded with hundreds of Republican poll watchers reporting problems. It seems the Democrats were not following the state rules for poll watchers. The rules state that only one poll watcher is allowed for each party at each precinct. At a high majority of the precincts the Democrats had sent multiple poll watchers. In fact, at on precinct, there were 11 Democrat poll watchers.

I have always heard from the media that Republicans used intimidation to disenfranchise minority voters. However, my first day in the election day process illustrated to me that Democrats also play the intimidation game. Why else would violate a simple rule? We have heard how organized his campaign is, so then why have 2, 3, 4 or even 11 poll watchers show up to strategic precincts?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama's Misguided View on Law

Obama's view on how judges should interpret the Constitution is freighting. He believes that judges should be biased and use their emotions such as empathy to rule on cases. Keep in mind, Obama has a law degree from Harvard. His view for example, is that the courts should rule in favor of the poor or the handicap against corporations, doctors, or the wealthy. That is not a problem, if they win the case based on law. However, if they won the case based solely on the fact they are poor and handicap, well that is different story. This view is not only absurd, but will increase litigation on frivolous lawsuits and will result in more financial payouts. Keep in mind, the increase in financial settlements to plaintiffs with questionable cases will have a direct bearing on ALL Americans. Our auto and medical insurance premiums will go up, the price for other goods and services will go up as well as people, doctors, and corporations are sued. If you think there are a lot of "ambulance chasing" and "sleazy" attorneys today, that number will go up exponentially if Obama changes how the law is interpreted. Also, keep in mind, the leftist radicals that support his view of the law that he appoints to the Supreme Court, will be there for their lifetime. We cannot have this. Face it, not interpreting the Constitution correctly is Unconstitutional, and against the law. Do not get me wrong, judges can have empathy for plaintiffs or defendants. That is not against the law. However, if their emotion gets the best of them and they rule in their favor only because they feel sorry for someone, that is a crime. We do not need judges making new legislation and policy, that is not their job. We need judges to interpret the law and that is it.

Prediction: Obama in a Landslide

I think Obama will win this election in a landslide. To me, a landslide is winning the election by at around 10 points and having an advantage of around 200 votes in the Electoral College. I have seen nothing to indicate that the Republicans are organized enough to stop the Tsunami they are in. The economic downturn was the final nail in the coffin. The Republicans dodged bullets throughout the election cycle, but in the end the media was able to find something to sway voters. When the election cycle started, the war in Iraq was the main storyline. However, as the tide turned and victory was in sight, the story changed to the economy. First, it was soaring gas prices, but as gas prices have dropped by $1.50 over the past month this topic too took a back seat. Secondly, many claimed in the media claimed a recession, but that too did not fly because they were premature. Now it is the financial meltdown and this one will be fixed in time for the Republicans. The media is using fear mongering techniques by comparing this crisis to the Great Depression. This recession is certainly bad, but it far from the Great Depression. Amazing how we hear absolutely nothing about gas prices and Iraq these days. The Republicans will do well to keep from losing more than 6 seats in the Senate and 25 in the House. The American public is in a state of panic about the economy and that is how the media wants it. They also did their best to portray Sarah Palin as the devil and Barack Obama as God. It is a sad world we live in when we Americans are that gullible to be swayed by biased propaganda.

If there is a silver lining for the Republicans, it is a difficult time to be President and in charge of Congress. That being said, I am very confident that the Democrats will fail in their promises to the American people and will fall out of favor quickly.

I have a funny feeling election night will not have much drama. As the polls close on the East Coast and key states such as Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire are called immediately for Obama, the route is on. When Indiana, North Carolina, and Florida are called shortly after they verify the polling data is correct, we now know it will resounding victory for Obama. Obama will have 270 electoral votes before the polls close on the West Coast.

Obama has said that his success has "vindicated" his belief in Americans - In other words, we are all racist pigs that could not vote for a black man. Well Obama success has "vindicated" my belief that the American intellect is dwindling. Call me a racist pig, but I can give you dozen reason why not to vote for Obama and it has nothing to do with race. I would have no problem voting for a women or a person of color if they knew what they were doing.

Do Obama and Biden Spread the Wealth?

Obama and Biden do not give nearly as much to charities as McCain or Palin. Palin’s family made 165K last year and gave over 8K to charities. Biden made over 2 million and gave just over 3K to charities. Obama has not helped any of his family members that live in poverty. Maybe if Obama and Biden practiced spreading the wealth by giving to charities they would not require a higher tax rate to spread the wealth. If Obama and Biden gave more to charities, maybe there would not be the big divide they claim between the middle class and the wealthy. What they fail to realize is higher taxes on the wealthy will certainly mean less money to charities that help the poor and middle class Americans. I certainly do not think Obama and Biden practice what they believe and they certainly had not thought about the repercussions of their tax increase on charities. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Obama should know that based on how much money he got for his campaign. If Obama wants to help the poor and middle class, he should set up some charities for them and have Americans give to the cause. This would work better than having the government take money from Americans without understanding the impact on the economy and to individual Americans. Obama calls those that argue higher taxes 'selfish', Biden calls paying higher taxes 'patriotic'. Based on their definition and their charity contributions I would say Obama and Biden are unpatriotic and selfish. Thus, they are hypocrites. It is also arguable as to whether Obama's contributions to Reverend Wright's church should count as a charitable contribution. It all depends on how much of that money is used to help people as opposed to using it to promote hate and bigotry. This I do not know the answer.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What is there to like about Obama?

I like that Obama does not believe in the Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton version of civil rights. The fact that Jackson despises Obama is very refreshing to me. The fact that Obama preaches that African American males be more responsible is also refreshing. Every male should be responsible when they have children regardless of race. Unfortunately, only a black politician can ask that of his race. I like he has done that. Maybe, just maybe, we can see welfare reform in his Presidency. I am not going to hold my breath as Jackson and Sharpton will make sure to stop any legislation that will hurt entitlement programs. I like that there may be a new leadership of African Americans that will not only preach responsibility to strengthen the family unit, but will also preach stopping to use the ‘race card’ as an excuse. I think African-Americans can learn a lot listening to the likes of Obama, Bill Cosby, and Juan Williams instead of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Improvement in this area is dependent on the fact that Obama does not believe in all that ‘Anti White’ rhetoric preached by Reverend Wright when he was sitting in the pews. African-Americans have every right to be mad. It will also only happen if his administration does not play the “race card” as his campaign staff does every time someone becomes critical of Obama. I am sure every black person in this country has experienced racism, bigotry, and hate. That being said, it does not make it right to use bigotry and hate to fight bigotry and hate. Remember the premise of the Civil Rights movement under Martin Luther King was non-violence. Promoting bigotry and hate will only lead to violence. I agree that this is a two way street and white leaders have not done enough to curb white racism and that too has got to change. The reduction of racism is one area that I am hopeful an Obama Presidency can help implement for EVERY American. Obviously, having a black President is a good start to break down racial barriers.

Back about a year ago, the only other thing that I liked about Obama being President is that it would keep the Clintons out of the White House. However, I have changed my mind; I would rather have the Clinton’s in the White House instead of Obama. Bill was at least fiscally responsible and I do not think Obama will be.

With Obama elected as President, it shows that most Americans are not the racist bigots that the world and even how many Americans view us. Hopefully this will start change how things are done in this country by putting an end to diversity programs, quota systems, and affirmative action as well as welfare as we know it. I think most Americans are fair and would treat any minorities with respect and fairness in the process to get into college or to get a job. Yes, there are still racists and bigots out there, but an Obama Presidency is proof that it is not as wide spread as many may believe. Some may argue that many whites still voted against Obama and it was the minority vote that got him elected. That may be true, but minorities and women are the "bread and butter" electorate that support any Democrat running for the Presidency. So just maybe, an Obama Presidency would finally have the public seeing each other as Americans and human beings and not white, black, or brown.