Friday, March 27, 2009

Why Move the U.S. to Socialism?

Some argue that even if Obama gets his way on most of his policies the U.S. still would not be a socialistic society. That may be true, but what is the motivation to move this great country in that direction? I certainly do not understand it. Most of the world's nations are dictatorships, communist, or socialistic societies. There are only a few capitalistic societies that remain and we are thankfully one. Which country has the highest number of immigrants? The U.S., and the reason is simple: People want to come to the land of opportunity. A capitalistic society provides opportunities that socialistic societies do not. This is what we speak of when we talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is that any one person can become what they want if they are persistent. This is what makes this country so great. Now, we want to throw the American Dream away and move towards socialism. If there are Americans that believe socialistic societies are better, then why don't move to Canada or Sweden and live their dream. Why are they so determined that they want to ruin the last great capitalistic society? Our Hollywood elite can move to the place of their dreams. Michael Moore can move to Cuba to get the great health care he brags about in Sicko. Sean Penn can move to Venezuela to be with his buddy President Hugo Chavez. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon can move to North Korea or Iran since they disagree with our policy that they are Evil nations. All of these actors and liberal elite have one thing in common: They all talk about how things are not so bad in other countries, but they all choose to live here in the U.S. That is because they are liars, hypocrites, and idiots. They know they have it great in this country and will not go anywhere else. If Michael Moore wants better health care for Americans he should lose some weight. He is too self absorbed to realize that his obesity is the reason for our escalating health costs in this country. I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I would pay more attention to a movie about U.S. Health Care (Sicko by Micheal Moore) if they person that made the movie is at least physically fit. Penn can live in Venezuela where all of the material in his films will be dictated by the government.

My half brother is liberal, but at least he had the common courtesy to move to East Germany to live his liberal and socialistic dream. I admire and respect him greatly for that. I wish the liberals would quit complaining and put their money where their mouths are. They should have the nerve to pack their bags and move to their so called land of opportunities. If you do not have health insurance, we can load everyone in a bus and take them to Canada. A word of caution, although everyone is entitled to health insurance in Canada, I would not get sick there. Everyone I talk to that got sick in Canada had a horrible experience of dirty hospitals and shoddy care.

So come on liberals, quit trying to change the U.S. and pack your bags and head out. Fanatical PETA followers can go to India where cows and animals are sacred. Global warming advocates can move to the Amazon and Antarctic to say goodbye to the lands they care so deeply about. Pro lifers can move to any third world country where there is no medical care to give abortions. So please quit complaining and trying to change this great nation and move to a place that will make you happy.

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