Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Perfect Liberal Storm

The past few months could not have played out any better for the Democrats. The 2008 election cycle was going to be a good year for Democrats. Many people blamed an unpopular George W. Bush for everything that was wrong in this country. Since the former President was a Republican, his entire party was going to suffer. The financial meltdown a few months before the election was icing on the cake for the Democrats. Not only did they win the executive branch, but they gained a stranglehold on Congress. Now, the government is run by a huge Democratic majority without any checks and balances to keep them in line. The Democrats are free to pass any of their liberal or socialized legislation and there is not anything we can do to stop it.

I believe Obama and the Democrats want to keep this country in a recession for as long as possible. They want to use the financial meltdown to push their liberal and socialistic agenda. They will use fear mongering tactics on gullible Americans to pass their agenda. We have already heard Obama say that the lack of a Universal Health Care plan is the biggest threat to the economy. That is an outright lie. The U.S. economy has done well for years without socialized health care. The Obama administrations goal is use the economic crisis to their advantage. Thus, the longer the crisis lasts, the better the chances the Obama administration has to pass its liberal agenda through Congress.

Many may think I am crazy that the President wants the economic crisis to linger until they push their agenda through Congress. Well consider a few facts that show I may not be that crazy:

1. It has been nearly 2 months and Geithner has yet to formulate a plan to stabilize the banking system. Although billions have already been authorized to help the banking industry Geithner has not said how he plans to use the money.

2. Obama’s message has been nothing but “doom and gloom” about the economy and has said very little that is optimistic. This is fear mongering. He covers himself by constantly reminding the public he inherited this mess as if he has no ownership over the problem. Thus, it is okay for the economy to suffer for a prolong time frame because he can always blame Bush while getting his massive government in place.

3. Most of the money from the massive spending (stimulus) bill will not get into the economic system for several years. Thus, it will not stop the economic downturn in the short term.

4. As the markets continue to slide there seems to be no urgency on Obama’s part to stop the downward spiral and Geithner continues to sit on the sidelines. Obama has even stated he is not concerned about the stock market. The stock market is one of the best indicators to how the economy is performing, but he could care less that Americans continue to lose their life savings.

5. Obama still has not filled over half of the positions in the Treasury Department. How can he tackle the economic crisis if he does not have his team in place.

Yes, it was a perfect liberal storm over the past 6 months and the Obama administration and the Democrats will seize the opportunity to make us suffer more just to get their agenda pushed through Congress. It has always been my theory that Democrats want to keep the poor oppressed so they can count on their vote. If the economy suffers and Americans suffer it will help the Democrats to keep their vote and push their agenda.

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