Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Obama Fascination

Everyday I hear news stories about the entire Obama family and it has nothing to do with politics. Stories that cover Michelle’s fashion sense and even stories about her chiseled arms that she likes to display. We see pictures of Barack at the beach without a shirt and stories about his good looks and physically fit body. We of course hear stories about how hip the first family is and how both Barack and Michelle are gifted orators. People have even studied and written about the Obama’s facial features and how they show they are great and intellectually superior individuals. Chris Mathews must have shown Obama making what he called a 40 foot jumper at least 50 times on his program. Mathews must not understand basketball, so he should not comment on it. Obama made a 3 point basket with no one covering him. A 3 point basket is about 21 feet, not 40 feet. Even I shot over 40% in my recreation league on 3 point shots and that is with people guarding me. I can make over 60% of my 3 point baskets with no one covering me and if I am not tired from running the court. What is this fascination that we have to make this guy out to be so great? I do not understand it, and I especially do not understand how we embellish stories to make him look great. Who really cares if the Obama’s are smooth and have charisma? I personally view these side stories as a way the media can gloat and boast about the Obama’s without looking at his abysmal performance thus far in the White House. I have not seen a published picture of the Obama family that shows them in a bad light. The media usually punished past Presidents by publishing poor pictures of them. Bush was made out to be a buffoon every chance the media got. President Ford was always pictured falling or banging his head. President Ford may have been the best athlete of any of our Presidents. He was an All-American center on the University of Michigan football team. The media uses propaganda to convince and influence how Americans view Presidents. The Obama media frenzy about their fashion sense and sculpted bodies is no different. First, the Obama family is young so they should be healthy and hip. In fact, he and the first lady are the youngest first family since Kennedy administration. There have been very few Presidents younger than Barack or first ladies younger than Michelle. Did anyone take a good look at Michelle, she may have tone arms, but her backside is fairly large. If I were to guess, I would actually say she is unfit and probably overweight. Barack may look good on the outside, but he is a chain smoker. I bet his insides are older than George W. Bush or even Bill Clinton. However, we never see him a picture with him smoking a cigarette. They talk about Barack like he is a great athlete and basketball player. However, we never see pictures of him trying to bowl or even dance. The man has two left feet. I am two years younger than Obama and I bet I could beat him one on one in hoops. I never played high school or even grammar school ball, but I am willing to bet I can outlast him and outwork him because I am in better shape. My 10 year old nephew can beat the man in bowling. So can we get off the Obama infatuation and cover the things that really matter like his ability to be President and Commander in Chief.

Michelle makes comments that go ignored by the press. For example, when her husband was on the brink of winning the Presidency she said “This is most patriotic I have felt.”. This from a family that would not have been in the position they are today without getting a great deal of help from this country. Both Barack and Michelle benefitted from Affirmative Action. Thus, they never would have gotten their Ivy League education without this country giving them every added advantage. I wonder what has become of the people they bypassed to get their Ivy League education? I wonder how patriotic they feel? How can Michelle make such a crass statement after what this country did for both her and Barack? It is absurd. Does the media cover this story? Absolutely not, they cover her attire, or her ability to give a speech, or her embellished figure. Is this what our media has been reduced to? So please, stop trying to convince me and the American public that the Obama’s are the chosen family or the anointed ones. I do not care what they look or sound like, what I care about is our economy.

What is Barack doing these days to show he is a regular and hip guy? He is filling out a NCAA basketball tournament bracket on TV. He is going on the Jay Leno show. What is Barack not doing? He is not worrying about the economy or the health of our nation. This guy does not get it. The President shouldn’t worry about his approval ratings and how Americans view him. He has a job to do and he must make sound decisions regardless of how the American public feels. You may not like Bush, but he made decisions that may not have been popular. He made decisions he thought were right and had the conviction to carry them out even when there was public outrage. Barack does not seem to have the conviction or meddle to make the tough calls. Especially tough calls and not blame someone else for the problem like Bush.

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