Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama: America is not at War with Islam

I guess I am confused, when were we at war with Islam? Why does Obama feel obligated to state the obvious and offend Americans while he grovels for Muslim support. America has been fighting a small number of fanatical radical Islamic followers such as the Taliban and Al-Qaida. I really think that 99% of Americans have absolutely no problem with Islam or Muslims. In fact, the last three wars America has been involved has been to free oppressed Muslims. America has liberated Muslims in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Why doesn't Obama mention this instead of stating the obvious? I think this blatant omission only shows Obama is ignorant to past U.S. foreign policy or he himself really thinks that Americans have really been a threat to Islam and Muslims around the world. This is preposterous! I believe Obama's thinking is misguided by U.S. foreign policy that recognizes and fully supports Israel. He must take this to mean that U.S. foreign policy is against Muslims. This does not mean that the U.S. is against Islam or Muslims, it only means we feel Muslims should also recognize the rights of Jews just as we recognized the rights of Muslims in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. That is it. There is no conspiracy theory by the U.S. to destroy Muslims and Islam. I really wish Obama would get his facts straight before he feels it is necessary to apologize for past U.S. policy.

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