Monday, April 13, 2009

Did Obama Bow?

The media exhaustedly covered President Obama bowing when he met King Abdullah. The Democrats deny he bowed, but it was a bow. But who really cares? No one! The only mistake the Obama camp made is insulting our intelligence and denying that he bowed. After all, aren’t there more important things for the media to cover? Absolutely! I for one am more concerned about the economy and our spending spree. I am also more concerned about foreign threats such as Iran and North Korea as they close in on obtaining a nuclear weapon. Yes, it is a bit funny watching the man who is the leader of the free world bow to an Arab leader, but it is no big deal. And yes, Obama is turning into a gaffe machine ala Joe Biden, but everyone makes mistakes. It is not easy to be President and to understand all the ridiculous protocol. I say we give the man a break and judge him on how he handles the tough issues and not on petty procedural or protocol things. I know the media loves to show Presidents making mistakes, but can we stop the pettiness and cover the things that really matter. I did not like it when the media covered inconsequential gaffes made by President Bush, nor did I like the media making President Ford out to be a klutz. It is not right, nor should it be of any concern. I see this as this as common courtesy and following the “golden rule” to treat others how we expect to be treated. I do not think the media would want media people following them scrutinizing every move they make. I realize that this is the day and age of technology and a camera is on the President at all times out of the White House, but the media needs to practice some restraint.

I have one other pet peeve about the media and their coverage of politicians or celebrities. They should not cover the families of politicians and celebrities. All family members should be exempt from coverage especially if they have not done anything wrong. For example, media coverage of Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter was not acceptable. Other recent media violations of this rule was the New York Times negative coverage of Cindy McCain and the media making an issue out of Dick Cheney’s daughter being a lesbian. All of these topics are not fair, unless the person injects themselves into the campaign and is publicly making speeches on their relative’s behalf. Obviously the Obama daughters should be off limits to the media however, Michelle has injected herself into the political process so she can be scrutinized to a certain degree. However, the media needs to use sound judgment when making decisions on what to cover about Michelle.

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